
Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Hoops and shoots

This film is about the shots that you can make in basketball. Different angles and different shooting, all with the hope of getting it in...

In this group - Tonga, Cyrus, Ethan and Steven.


The Unseen

The Unseen

This film is a horror/comedy take on the importance of being healthy.

The group that created this film is Kelly, Leeroy, Rangimarie, Junior and Vanessa.

We hope you enjoy.

You can get through this

This film is about the challenges that some of us face.

There is always a light at the end of the tunnel and when you focus and work hard - you can get through it.

The students that made this film are Sarah Jane, Rose and Nadia.


Tika Project - Different Types of Students

This film is about different types of students. Take a look at this humours, yet very real take on the different types of students you may have at your school.

Healthy Eating

This film is about the importance of healthy eating and exercise.

The people in this group are David, Kingston and Quinton.

We hope you enjoy

GTS Expectations vs Reality - school edition

This film is a humourous take on the expectations of school vs the realities that some of us face.

The students in this group are Danielle, Anika, Traceylee, Skyla, Anitimoni, Hela.

We hope you enjoy.

Heart Beat

Heart Beat. Heart Beat. Heart Beat.

It is written, directed and edited by four Year 7 & 8 students and it is about the importance of living healthily, including healthy eating and regular exercise. 

The students were inspired to create this film because of their learning during Inquiry in Term 3 - Healthy Choices. 

"To feel good from your head to your feet, keep a healthy heart beat"

We hope you take away some healthy tips to help you on your healthy journey.
