
Wednesday, 15 May 2019

More writing fun - DIRECTIONS

Bitmoji ImagePart of our writing this week was about what IMPERATIVE VERBS are. We like to call them BOSSY WORDS because they tell us very strongly what to do e.g. TURN, POUR, MIX, GO STRAIGHT.

Today, we wrote directions for writing. We were given the task of writing a set of directions from a starting point to the library. After the writing we came back into class for the next instructions.

The fun part was when we had to swap books, be blindfolded and then follow the directions exactly in the hope that we will make it to the library without getting hurt.

Writing to come. But here are some photos.

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

How to make butter

Last week we made butter.

Here is a slide deck sharing our 'Procedural' writing on HOW TO MAKE BUTTER

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Butter Making

This week we made butter. We had so much fun.

We made butter because we are learning to write instructions but also because we were learning about how the rates of reaction differ when there are other elements involved.

Here are some photos