
Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Want to know our highlights? Of course you do!

We've had lots of fun this year and it so sad thinking about it coming to an end. We wanted to share some of our highlights with you. Here's what some of us had to say. 

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

GTS Athletics Day

Today, we had our annual Athletics Day. It started off with the best weather ever - and then it slowly turned into grey, dull skies with heavy clouds.

We still managed to have lots of fun though. Lots of exciting activities in our houses with some races against the teachers.

Check out some of the photos we took from the day.

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Film #6 - Fantastic Fish Fingers present 'Don't be a bully'

Fantastic Fish Fingers 

"Don't be a bully"

This group included David, Moni, Khin Linn & Zafar. This film is a drama and it is about two students who don't care about anyone else but themselves. They are late to school and mean to others. I wonder if they'll change their ways?

You'll have to watch to find out. 

Film #4 - Daring Donuts present 'Litter Bug'

Daring Donuts

"Litter Bug"

This group included Tiana, Demitrius, Kahnye & Te Morehu. This film is a drama/comedy and it is about a young boy who litters all the time and doesn't care about the environment. I wonder if he'll change his ways? You'll have to watch to find out.

Film #5 - Excellent Eggs present 'The Orphan'

Excellent Eggs

"The Orphan"

This group included Jordan, Liston, Lesieli & Tayja. This film is a drama/comedy and it started when Lesieli had a dream the night we first started talking about creating our own films. She made this 'dream' come to life. It's about a young orphan who really wants to go to school but is really nervous about who he'll meet and the school he's going too. He's really talented and puts himself out there. 

Want to see what his talent is? Watch to find out. 

Film #3 - Crazy Carrots present 'The Stalker

Crazy Carrots 

"The Stalker"

This group included Leeroy, Mone, Olive & Jonay. This film is a horror/comedy/action and it is about a little girl who stalked students in her class.

Will she capture them?

Watch to find out. 

Film #2 - Brave Banana's present 'The mystery of the haunted school'

Brave Bananas

"The mystery of the haunted house"

This group included Lucky, Lexiannah, Cashis & Skyla featuring Liston & Zafar. This film is a horror/comedy/action and it is about two students who get trapped at a haunted school. Something terrible happens and they can't get away from it.

Will they survive?

Watch to find out. 

Film #1 - A day of the life a Glen Taylor Student by the Angelic Apples

Angelic Apples 

"A day in the life of a Glen Taylor Student"

This group included Tracey Lee, Chriszeta, Anna & Miracle. This film is a documentary and it captures the life of Glen Taylor Students. Throughout this film, you will see some of the amazing things that we get up to at Glen Taylor.